We are so thankful for you who read our messages, pray for us, and support us! If you’re not already signed up as a prayer partner or as a financial support partner, we invite you to prayerfully consider if God would have you do so. We know he has called us, and that he will call others to be a part …
The Carpenter Family is Coming on Deputation!
We are excited to announce that Brad and Chelsea, along with their children Sarai, Gideon, and Ian are coming to the U.S. and will begin deputation in May 2024. Their primary purpose is: To express their deep gratitude to those who are partnering with them in prayer and financial support. To …
Carta de Oración Marzo 2024
La Familia Carpenter / Sirviendo en Ruanda Brad y el equipo de D para D (Discipulado para el Desarrollo) asistieron recientemente a una celebración donde escucharon varios testimonios de transformación y alabaron a Dios por lo que está haciendo en y a través de las personas que participan en D …