Evangelical Friends’ first introduction to Nepal was through Ezra and Frances DeVol (from Evangelical Friends Church-Eastern Region) who served in a hospital in Kathmandu under the United Mission to Nepal in 1959 and 1963-1966. Then, in 1994, EFM began supporting two missionary families who, …
EFM COVID-19 Updates | Pray for Rwanda
In 1986 EFM sent missionaries to Rwanda, Africa, to open a new work. A yearly meeting developed that is now thirty-two years old and includes more than five thousand members. Evangelical Friends Church-Rwanda (EFC-R) continues to grow under its own leadership and with its own resources. There is …
EFM COVID-19 Updates | Pray for Asia
There are Evangelical Friends who are serving in what we call “creative access” areas of the world, especially on the continent of Asia. They go into these areas as professionals in fields like education, health, counseling, and business. At the same time they let the light of Jesus Christ shine …