The second and third Luke 10 Exploration Trips in 2022 will be departing on May 30! There are ten Luke 10 Exploration Trips to ten different countries/people being planned in 2022 as EFM discerns where new mission fields will be launched as part of EFM’s Five-Year Goal! See more information here.
The Luke 10 Exploration Trip to the Shuar People of Ecuador travels May 30-June 16. Team leader, Ken Comfort (NWYM), along with Jerry and Kerri Clarkson (NWYM), Maria and Edwin Giron (Maria is EFM’s Missions Mobilizer for Hispanic Friends), future missionary Rebecca Reimer (EFC-MAYM), future missionary Jael Ayala (EFC-Mexico), and Beatriz Apaza (Bolivia) make up this scouting team.
The Luke 10 Exploration Trip to Greece travels May 30-June 10. Team leader Jim LeShana (NWYM), Kenn Dirrim (missionary serving among refugees in Greece), Ron Maestas (FSW), Jan Cammack (NWYM), and future missionaries Josiah Muhr (NWYM) and Libby Penrose (EFC-MAYM) make up this exploration team.
How Can You Join?
Are you interested in exploring missionary service? Do you know of anyone of any age who might be interested in exploring the idea of serving as a missionary overseas for two or more years?
EFM is currently looking to contact and connect with people about opportunities to explore serving as missionaries with the Friends Church!
To learn more, visit aquí or fill out this interest form!
The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to cast out more workers into his fields.
Matt Macy
Director of Mobilization