Queridos amigos,
Greetings from Oregon!
I am writing these words from my home in Newberg. On Monday of this week the governor of Oregon issued a stay-at-home order. Many of you reading this message are probably at home because of a similar order. As you are likely hearing over and over, these are unprecedented times.
You may be wondering how the spread of COVID-19 is affecting EFM’s ministry around the world. What we are discovering is that most of our missionaries, national leaders, and the people they work with are in similar circumstances to the ones we are experiencing.
Towards the end of last week I emailed the missionaries and national leaders these four questions:
- How is COVID-19 affecting those who live in the area where you live and minister?
- How is this situation affecting the ministry you lead?
- What are some opportunities you are seeing for sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with those who don’t know him?
- What are two or three prayer requests we can use to pray for you and those you lead?
We are getting a steady stream of answers to these questions. Our plan is to share them with you in the days ahead so that you can stay current with what is going on among Evangelical Friends world-wide, and, most importantly, lift their prayer requests up to the Lord. Praying for one another is one of the most important ministries we can have at this point in time.
For the rest of this week and the next couple of weeks you will see updates from EFM on an almost daily basis. Each update will focus on one country or region where Evangelical Friends have ministries. I encourage you to read them carefully and then spend some time in prayer. As you pray you can be sure that the Holy Spirit is interceding for us all through “wordless groans” (Romans 8:27 NIV). You can also be sure that others in the body of Christ are praying for you. In other words, you are not alone.
Take courage! And keep your eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Even in this crazy time we are still part of his mission to the world. There is work to be done.
Your fellow servant in Christ,
Dan Cammack
Director Ejecutivo de EFM
P.S. While we are providing this special round of updates to EFM’s largest email list (due to the world-wide impact of COVID-19), we will continue, as always, providing brief praise and prayer requests from each contributing field through our monthly EFM Prayer Letter. This is the easiest way to get regular, brief updates from missionaries and national leaders. If you do not currently receive the EFM Prayer Letter, we encourage you to subscribe by clicking the button below.