As you can imagine, we have been checking world news daily to see how the spread of COVID-19 is affecting the countries where EFM missionaries are stationed. That, coupled with news we are receiving directly from our missionaries and national leaders, paints a picture of extended lockdowns, loss of income for millions of people, widespread hunger, and social unrest. Where churches are unable to gather for worship there are no offerings being taken, and that has a great financial impact on pastors. Governments are doing what they can to help with some of the basic needs, but, according to what we’re hearing, this aid doesn’t go very far. Thankfully, Evangelical Friends in some of these places have seen the needs and have taken steps to help believers and unbelievers alike. EFM has been able to support some of their efforts through emergency funds in reserve and also funds that were designated for activities and programs that can no longer be carried out as planned. Now it is apparent that our brothers and sisters in Christ could use a lot more help from us in reaching out to family, friends, and neighbors.
You may be experiencing some loss of income yourself. Hopefully you are not going hungry. Whatever your situation we pray that you, like your brothers and sisters in Christ on other continents, are able to do something to help those around you. What about people who live in countries like India and Nepal? Are you in a position to help them too? If so, please click on the donate button below and send your gift on its way.
In the coming weeks we look forward to sharing with you through occasional updates how the relief efforts are going. Please pray for wisdom for our missionaries and national leaders as they work through the logistics of distributing aid within the legal restrictions that have been implemented for everyone’s safety.
I find myself using this prayer request from the Lord’s Prayer more often these days: Give us this day our daily bread. I pray it for myself, for you, and for people around the world. At the same time I want to be a part of the answer to that prayer. I trust that you do too.
Your fellow servant in Christ,
Dan Cammack
Executive Director
- Give online aquí. Please make sure to note that you would like your gift designated to the COVID-19 Emergency Aid.
- Give by credit card over the phone at 303-421-8100.
- Mailing a check marked with COVID-19 Emergency Aid designation to EFM, PO Box 771139, Wichita KS 67277.