In many places around the world there is a rise in the number of COVID-19-related infections and deaths. As you already know, this not only impacts health but also finances. The restrictions that are enforced, like lock downs, affect peoples’ ability to work. Some have lost their jobs …
Emergency Aid
Ore por Los Amigos en el Congo Que Ahora Están Desplazados Debido a Los Ataques de Rebeldes
Lusungu, quien es el Superintendente General de la Junta Anual Evangélica Amigos del Congo (EFC-Congo, por sus siglas en ingles), ha estado transmitiendo noticias a EFM sobre una nueva crisis humanitaria en una parte de la República Democrática del Congo donde tenemos Iglesias Evangélicas Amigos y …
Pray for Friends in Congo Who Are Now Displaced Due to Rebel Attacks
Lusungu, who is the General Superintendent of EFC-Congo, has been passing on news to EFM about a new humanitarian crisis in a part of DR Congo where we have Evangelical Friends Churches, and many members. David Thomas, who served with his family as missionaries in Rwanda for many years, and who now …