By Fall 2023, 17 teams had been sent out to explore 11 different potential new mission fields since EFM's Five-Year Goal launched in 2021. In November 2023, EFM made a commitment to launching 6 of the 9 fields that were still under exploration. Those six fields are now moving on to pre-launch …
Archivos para julio 2024
Liddell Family: July 2024 Newsletter
We just got back from the Luke 10 Exploration trip to Eastern Europe… Sickness took down each team member, one at a time. Our rental host served us a homemade Bosnian breakfast. Missionaries told of great need and great difficulty in building trust to start ministry. Bombed-out buildings remain a …
Kathi Perry July 2024 Update
Dear Friends, Summer has come, and in Ireland, that means long days, lighter schedules, the smell of barbecues, vacations, and spending time outside whenever the sun is shining. Groups that meet weekly throughout the school year go on hiatus as everyone wants to be outdoors during daylight hours. …