We experienced a banner year at EFM. If we were to raise a banner it would read, “God’s Relentless Love in 2023”. Because of your generosity added to God at work among us, we experienced these blessings! B. and D. A. retiring from EFM employment and leaving behind a fully self-sustaining and …
Archives for January 2024
Carta de Oración Enero 2024
Kathi Perry | Sirviendo en Irlanda ¡El año pasado fue difícil para mí! Comenzó con un reemplazo de la válvula aórtica el 3 de enero. (¡Mi corazón está completamente sano ahora!) En mayo completé una maestría en Teología Práctica en Barclay College. Mi arrendador me dio la noticia …
NCP Apprentice: Erik Nilsen’s January Fundraising Update
Dear friends and family, This past week marked the inauguration of my apprenticeship with Evangelical Friends Mission through North County Project! And what an eventful week it has been. My fellow apprentices, Garry and Grace, flew in from Kansas and Oregon, respectively, and I have had a lot of …