Did you know that every single donation and prayer makes a difference for our missionaries and those they are helping? Our goal is to ignite hope one relationship at a time. The following story is shared by our Friends in Nepal and shows how one relationship was changed from your …
Archives for March 2022
Happy St. Paddy’s Day!
EFM currently has three missionaries serving in Ireland right now! We are thankful for Kathi Perry, Molly Morton, and the Howell Family and each of their ministries! St. Patrick's day is a holiday which has been adopted from Ireland and become quite popular here in America! We asked our missionaries …
Carta de Oración Marzo 2022
A. y S. M. | Sirviendo en India Estimados compañeros de oración, Saludos a todos ustedes en el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Gracias por su gran apoyo a nuestro ministerio todos estos años que nos permitieron establecer el reino de Dios donde es difícil. En 1995, ambos dejamos nuestros …