On Wednesday, November 8, 75 leaders met for our 2023 Luke 10 National Think Tank. Participants included the EFM Board, potential future missionaries, missionary applicants, and people with missions experience representing seven regions/yearly meetings in the U.S. and 17 Luke 10 Exploration Trip teams.
After an incredible day of worship, prayer, and discernment, the Think Tank made the recommendation to begin the launch process for six new fields so far, with proposals for other new fields coming later. The next day the EFM board approved those recommendations after further discernment and discussion, and the results were announced at the 60th anniversary banquet that evening.
From this meeting we are excited to share six field EFM is committed to launching: Mexico, Shuar of Ecuador, South Sudan, Refugees in Greece, Northeast Brazil, and Immigrant workers in the Gulf States. There are also three other fields still under exploration:
Tanzania, Eastern Europe and the Unreached People Groups of Cambodia