The Commission on Mission is Formed.
In Janaury of 1963 a conference was held in Colorado Springs and was attended by representatives from what are now: FSW, EFC-MAYM, EFC-ER, RMYM, and NWYM.
At this conference, the leaders discussed a variety of problems and opportunities in regards to their mission work, and then they considered an idea that was already floating around. The idea was to establish a “coordinating council” that would work on issues that would help strengthen all of their missionary-sending programs. Some of the issues they had in mind were a unified philosophy of missions, better ways to screen and train missionary candidates, better promotional methods and materials, and expansion into new fields. Those who participated in the conference liked this idea so much they approved it! They then formed a “commission on missions” made up of members from NWYM, RMYM, EFC-MAYM, and EFC-ER.