D.K. and Choity Sarkar | Serving in India
Greetings in his matchless name. This is a brief and specific report of our ministry in West Bengal. By his grace and because of your prayers our ministry is expanding each year.
In West Bengal – At present, we have twenty-three churches and around sixty house churches. We are working among the Bengali People, Santali people, Muslim people, Dalit (untouchable) people, and in the red-light area.
Other states ministry – We could expand our ministry beyond the state of West Bengal. At present, we have ministries in Uttarakhand and Andhra Pradesh. For your kind information, Uttarakhand Christians are facing persecution because of their faith in Jesus. Still, our two brothers OM Prakash and Raj are working there. I praise God for them. Andhra Pradesh ministry will be started in January 2024. Brother Peter Sethy is working there. The progress is very good.
Red-light Area Ministry – Thanks be to God for the red-light area. Choity goes there each Thursday. Our friend Peter and his wife Leonora started a business in the red-light area for the financial development of the girls there. The ministry started with five girls and now there are thirty-five girls. Often, the girls are daughters of women who have worked in the sex industry. The mothers hope that their daughters choose different paths and do not pursue the same profession. Now they are living with honor and dignity. Eleven of them came to the Lord and made a public testimony of baptism in Kolkata Friends Church. Praise the Lord.
Muslim Ministry – In the year of 2023, twenty-eight people came to Christ and made a public testimony of baptism from the Muslim community. Our Muslim ministry is growing by his grace.
Tutorial Center – We have five tutoring centers in Shyamnagar, Nazatt, Gopalpur, Krishnapur and Habibpur. There are 30 – 40 children in these centers. The local poor children are receiving free tuition for two hours, three days a week. This ministry is for the poor people of the locality, because of the tutoring centers, EFM Kolkata gained a good reputation in that district. The tutoring centers are also a good tool for evangelism. We teach the children the word of God, songs, etc., and invite the parents and their friends to our different programs. They hear the word of God in those programs. These five churches got new believers through the tutoring centers.
Bible Correspondence Course – We also have a Bible correspondence course for high school and college-going students. At present, there are more than three thousand students. It is a five-step course where the stories of creation, the birth of Jesus Christ, his teachings, his death and resurrection, and eternal life are written. The students go through this course. When they complete all five steps we invite them to the church for better learning and fellowship. A few students gave their lives to Jesus through the correspondence course.
We are trying to reach the people through the gospel in all possible way, so that the people will have the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Please pray for us.
D K & Choity Sarkar
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