Dear Friends,
I have been in the States just over three months. The days have flown by, and I seem to speak to you from a different spot each time! Today I am enjoying a few days in Oceanside, CA, where I have connected with old friends, visited favourite places, and spent hours doing homework (did I mention I’m working on a Masters degree through Barclay College?) whilst enjoying an ocean view – through the generosity of a good friend.
I’ve traveled many miles in the past months, but I have no more travel scheduled. I plan to be with my family for the holidays. If you are local in S. CA I would be glad to meet with you if that works out.
I am thrilled to share that I have reached 94% of my fundraising goal. I am so grateful to those of you who have responded with new commitments, continuing financial commitments, and increased support. I’m thankful for one-time gifts from churches and individuals that have covered the costs of deputation. And I am thankful for large, designated, end of the year giving that will supplement my support over the next few years.
I’m so close. If you would like to help close the gap and get my support to 100% in time for Christmas – which is what I’m hoping so that I can rest and enjoy the last weeks with my family before I return to Ireland early in January – you can do that a number of ways… a monthly commitment to my ongoing financial support (this can be paid monthly or it can be paid in one lump sum annually where it will go into an account and be paid out over time). If you are looking to make a generous “end of the year” donation specifically for “Kathi Perry’s support”, that would also go into an account to be paid out over time and will count toward my ongoing support.
You will find links to set up this kind of giving in the email that brings you this video.
Advent has been my favorite celebration with the “Little Friends and Family” group, and in week three, I say this to the kids: Do you see that the candle is a different color this week? It is the color of roses. This reminds us that while this is a serious time, it is also a time of great joy and celebration.
Christmas smells and Christmas songs, lights, and movies with lines like, “he is not poor who has friends”. Families gather, and we long for those who are gone. Advent is about hope and preparing for the arrival of the long-promised Messiah. Advent is about joy.
My joy is in gratefully partnering with you. My joy is the work God has given me in Ireland, and the community there. Thank you. And, as we say in Ireland, Happy Christmas.
There are two ways to support me in Ireland, through prayer and through financial giving. I need and appreciate both!
You can click here to sign up and join me as a prayer partner if you aren’t one already!
If you would like to partner with me financially there are a few ways to do that:
- Donate online on my personal EFM webpage here.
- Donate by credit card over the phone at 303-421-8100.
- Mail a check marked with “Perry Support” to EFM, PO Box 771139, Wichita, KS 67277.
If you are a current monthly supporter, thank you. It is important to let EFM know that you plan to continue or increase your giving. If you are not currently giving, I would ask you to prayerfully consider supporting ministry in Ireland (me).