Dear Friends,
I am spearheading an initiative with the Navigator’s Discipling for Development (D4D) team launching a whole-life community discipling ministry in Bolivia.
Trip Purpose
This trip is about connecting with church denominations and Christian organization leaders to give them a vision for whole-life disciple-making movements so that they can help connect us to the local pastors, leaders, and ministries who are ready to disciple their communities holistically. We will do this by giving three, six-hour seminars in the cities of Cochabamba, La Paz, and Santa Cruz. Later this year we will invite the people they recommend to some five-day seminars which give an overview of the Discipling for Development (D4D) ministry. From this D4D Foundations workshop, we are praying God leads us to leaders eager to implement and ready to engage us for our long-term, three- five year coaching.
Here we are enjoying each other and coffee and debriefing our October trip in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. I’m taking a selfy with Merri Lee Hipp beside me, Stefanie and Rodiz, and Judy Camp. Our team this January trip will also include Cintia Huayhua, Gary Hipp and Bruce Hook.
Trip Schedule
- An amazing team God has put together with Rodiz and Stefanie Chambi and Cintia Huayhua in Bolivia; Gary and Merri Lee Hipp, Judy Camp, Bruce Hook, and David Thomas from the US.
- Partners on the ground who are doing so much to connect us to Bolivian leaders in ministry. We are thankful!
Prayer Requests:
- This will be the first time for Rodiz, Stefanie, Cintia, Judy, and Bruce to facilitate a D4D adult learning method using D4D lessons. They are all gifted and have experience. Pray for quickness in understanding what they will be doing. Pray for peace, dependence on Holy Spirit, and fun in the process. Gary and Merri Lee will be coaching two teams of facilitators.
- Ask God to connect us to those leaders who are ripe for discipling holistically and are already doing some good work in their communities. We want to meet those leaders Holy Spirit is leading us to who are ready to take the next steps, who are eager for our just-in-time-learning, people who say, “this is exactly what I was looking for!”
- Pray for a quick adjustment to the high altitude of Cochabamba (8,000 ft), and La Paz (11,000-13,000 ft). Pray for good health and protection from sickness.
- Pray for wisdom and safety for our team in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, as their governor was imprisoned in La Paz just before the New Year and people are upset, with some rioting and blockading.
Thank you in advance for partnering with us in prayer for this trip!
David Thomas