Evangelical Friends have had a lengthy history of sending missionaries to India long before EFM existed. In 1892 Ohio Yearly Meeting (now known as EFC-ER) sent Esther Baird and Delia Fistler to the state of India that is now known as Madya Pradesh. Many missionaries followed them there over the years. There is still a small group of churches, a hospital, and a school in the town of Chhatarpur.
The ministry in India eventually spread to other states like Kerala, Karnataka, and Bihar with the support of EFC-ER. These are still vibrant ministries today and EFM is doing what it can to encourage them.
EFM’s first real involvement in India was sending the Carl and Peggy Hunerwadel family to Northern India in 1991. A ministry among the Garhwal was begun during that time. Then in 2005, EFM adopted D.K. and Choity Sarkar as their missionaries to West Bengal. They are based in the city of Kolkata and have led in church planting efforts throughout that and neighboring states. EFM also currently has a missionary family from the U.S. in the northern part of India.
EFM also has four ministry partnerships in India with A. and S. M, The Gautam Family, Gabriel and Suzanna Massey, and the Sam Family.
In recent years the various Friends groups throughout India decided to work together by creating an umbrella organization called Evangelical Friends Church India. They gather for worship and business every now and then which, for most of them, means traveling long distances.