Thank you for praying for EFM’s Five-Year Goal!
Join us on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 10-11 AM PST for our Luke 10:2 Gathering via Zoom in support of EFM’s Five-Year Goal. You will receive some prayer points and the link for the gathering a few days before the event. If the time of the gathering doesn’t work for you, you can sign up here for a monthly text message recap of the Luke 10:2 Prayer Gatherings! This text message will recap and link the details from that month’s meeting!
Please join our next Prayer Gathering on Thursday, January 9, at 10 am PST at this Zoom link.
“He told them, “The harvest is huge, but the workers are few. So ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest field.” (NIRV) |
January Prayer Gathering Prayer PointsThe Five-Year Goal that launched this journey calls for missionaries to be in these new fields by the end of 2025. So far, we have one missionary household (the Liddell family) that has been approved by the EFM Board to help launch one of these new fields (The Balkans). We are blessed to have several more Friends who are actively seeking the Lord’s guidance as to where he would have them serve. They are at various stages in their process of discernment and preparation. We trust the Lord’s timing and direction in regard to which of these he will send and where they will go. So, as you can imagine, the need to pray for workers for the harvest fields feels more urgent than ever. As we gather on Thursday of this week (January 9) at 10 AM Pacific (11:00 am MST, 12:00 pm CST, and 1:00 pm EST), we are going to seek the Lord’s direction on how to pray for this need and then divide up into groups and pray. As we usually do, we’ll end the hour-long gathering by taking some time to hear what the Lord has been saying to us during our time together. |
January Prayer Letter Prayer RequestsPraise God…
Please Pray…
Here is the meeting schedule for 2024! Please make sure to mark these on your calendar!
Janaury 9 February 13 March 13 April 10 May 8 June 12 July 10 August 14 September 11 October 9 November 13 December 11 |
If you missed a meeting or would like to join us in prayer at another time, you can find the previous month’s meetings here. You can also subscribe to our YouTube Channel to stay up-to-date with all of our missionaries and ministries.
View Last Month’s Luke 10:2 Prayer Gathering Below: |