Thank you for giving to EFM’s Five-Year Goal!
Donated funds help fuel EFM’s Luke 10 Initiative, particularly in partnering with Friends in Africa, Asia, and Latin America to visit unreached peoples under the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Funds may also be used to help persons in the U.S. meet costs for going on Luke 10 Exploration trips when their fundraising is dragging. Please feel free to add notes to explain any preferences in how you wish for your donation to be used in the Luke 10 Initiative.
Please also financially support and champion the sending of people in your church and region/yearly meeting to participate in Luke 10 Think Tank meetings and Luke 10 Exploration Trips. Helping with the costs of travel is much appreciated! To donate to a specific country or person, please note that in the the comment section of your donation.
Check out special Luke 10 Initiative Projects for 2023! You can give to these special projects here!
Scholarships run from $50-$1,000 per person. These funds will go towards Luke 10 Exploration Trips which take place when discernment teams travel together to a location in which Friends are exploring the possibility of launching a new mission field. On the page, select one of the following locations: EFM Asia, EFM Central Africa, EFM Europe, or EFM Latin America! | Scholarships run from $50-$500 per future missionary. Partner with potential future missionaries! EFM is investing in annual future missionary retreats where mentors and future missionaries connect for training and coaching. A week at a retreat costs about $200 and a flight to the retreat costs about $500. EFM is also providing future missionary trips for field experience and training. The relationships established in these experiences are a game-changer for EFM’s future. | Scholarships run from $50-$500 per missionary. Invest in potential future missionaries! Mentors are enthusiastically participating at their own cost, and EFM would be happy to have scholarship funds available to help offset mentor costs. A week at a retreat costs about $200 and a flight to the retreat costs about $500. |