Dear Friends, If you read my last letter in December, you saw that my year ended very differently than I thought it would. All of my plans were put on hold as I awaited open-heart surgery, which I had on January 3. I am now nine weeks post-surgery and amazed at how our bodies can endure (what …
Kathi Perry December Update
Hello Friends, This Fall has passed quickly. The baby group has been going strong, and the women have taken on the task of carrying on when I have been away from time to time. We took the traditional “Christmas baby” photo (as you can see below). These women want to keep the group going in the …
Kathi Perry is Back in Ireland!
Celebrate with Kathi as she has returned safely to Ireland by watching this video! If you would like to join in the support for Kathi, there are two ways you can do so- through prayer and through financial giving. You can click here to sign up and join as a prayer …