So far we have been able to send emergency funds to one ministry and five yearly meetings to help with needs created by the spread of COVID-19. One of those yearly meetings is the one called PEFIM in the Philippines. Their director, Pastor Crisanto de la Cruz, sent us the following report that shows …
David Thomas | May 2020 Update
Dear friends and partners in ministry, I want to let you know how we are doing as well as give you some highlights from our work in Thailand, Rwanda, DR Congo, and some encouraging news from Cambodia. First, from our family, here are some pictures of us celebrating our youngest daughter …
May 2020 Prayer Letter
Philippine Evangelical Friends International Ministries (PEFIM) Update EFM Director Pastor Dan Cammack Visits PEFIM We were blessed to be visited by beloved Pastor Dan Cammack last December 2019. He joined Pastor Cris in visiting PEFIM churches in Calbayog, Samar. His presence and …