Edwin and Maria Giron, along with their children, Faviola and Edwin Isaac, joined EFM in 2007 and moved shortly thereafter to Aguascalientes, Mexico, to join church planting efforts that were already underway. During the last decade the Girons have seen a strong church established in Aguascalientes, …
July 2019 Carpenter Update
Dear Friends, We trust that you are experiencing the love of God in your day today. May He give you eyes to see His loving care for you. The Lord is expanding our vision for what He wants to do through the Evangelical Friends Church (EFC). Here are some details and a request. We believe the Lord …
August 2019 Prayer Letter
On the Journey…and back in Ecuador! by Russ and Sarah Badgley Our family arrived in Quito early morning of the 4th of July after spending several days in Idaho and Washington with churches, family and friends. After staying a night in Quito, we collected our vehicle from an organization that …