Construction Zone
by David and Tricia Howell
Tis the season for orange traffic cones, barriers, diversions in place, stop and go signs, and men in high visibility jackets to dot the landscape. Construction is in full swing.
We live in a beautiful little town on the seafront called Wicklow. A place filled with coffee shops, small businesses and the like. Normally I love sitting outside, drinking my coffee, and chatting with people as they walk by. Today as I write this, I am sitting outside one of the coffee shops and it is a different experience all together. It is loud and dirty and chaotic. When the construction zone enters, it loses its charm for sure. However…it is necessary. Without the upgrades or repairs or preventative maintenance, we would be in for serious peril down the road.
In many ways, life mirrors this scene. It takes a time of a construction zone in our lives for the needed work to be done. They can be messy and ugly as things are dug up and revealed. They can be hard times or confusing times, but they are necessary. They require a great amount of patience as the work, slow as it may seem, is carried out. And in the end, it will all be worth it.
Recently, I have been thinking about our ministry and our friends who have gone through tumultuous construction periods in their lives. These friends have faced addictions, relationship problems, deep wounds, and so many other issues that have caused a deep spiritual brokenness. As we struggle through these times with each of them, we hold fast to the promises of God.
2 Corinthians 5:17 “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” What a celebration it is to see the brokenness repaired and the new life appearing. The cones are gone. The roads are clear. And the peace has returned. But God is not done here. As new cones begin to pop up in other friend’s lives, we pray that they too may find the same peace in Jesus Christ. Would you please join us in this prayer?
Alabado sea el Señor
- For relationships that encourage and bless us, both from Ireland and the US.
- For the lives that have been transformed through the ministry of EFM-Ireland.
- For the opportunities to minister and share Jesus with people who have graciously invited us in.
Por favor oren…
- As the new school year begins, life picks up speed, both personally and in ministry. Pray for Jonathan who starts university in Dublin. Pray for Moriah as she starts 5th year (her Junior year). Pray for us as we volunteer in the schools and begin a new year of working with teenagers.
- Pray for our Visa and Citizenship process. We are waiting to hear back in relation to our current visa and for our application for citizenship for Tricia. Please pray that we will be granted favor to stay and continue to serve.
- Pray for our ministry among those we are blessed to know. Our prayer is that they will know Jesus Christ as their Lord and the love and peace that this brings.