September 2020 Bangladesh Newsletter
“How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand – when I awake, I am still with you.” Psalm 139:17
Yes, his plan for our lives is very precious. Everyone is valuable to him. We visited house to house for the last two months and saw how God cares for them. When we trust the Lord and allow him to work in our lives according to his will, miracles happen. He enjoys blessing us.
Dream Come True: Our elder son, Steve, dreamed to study at Barclay College in Haviland, Kansas when he first visited there in 2013. He loves music and computers. He also loves to worship the Lord. His dream came true in 2020. It was not so easy, but miraculous. God did everything on time. He provided the right people in the right place to complete each task. I bought a domestic flight ticket for the wrong date, but God corrected that mistake on time. It proves that he cares for us. God has provided generous and kind people to help Steve financially as well as emotionally. God has provided families who are taking care of him and giving family fellowship so that he does not feel homesick. Praise the Lord.
Physical and Spiritual Food Distribution: One of my desires is to give everyone a Bible. God is good. We were able to give every family a Bible while distributing emergency food to our flood victims. We shared one-month food to some very needy families last month. Our believers also shared food to others from their portion. Her name is Anjana. She is a non-Christian. She sells her labor daily. Her husband is sick and can do no work. They have four children. She had no work for some days. As a result, she had no food at all to feed his children. She expressed her joy and gratitude to our evangelist Depali Falia. She could not stop her tears and said that if the church did not provide food, they must starve. Thank you so much for your love and generosity that makes us able to distribute food to many.
New Church Building Construction: We are so grateful to the Lord for another new church building in North Bengal by local money. This would be a great blessing for believers to worship together as well as other church activities. A church member has given this land to build the church building.
Church Planting: Nothing can stop the kingdom work. Four new daughter churches have been planted by our lay leaders and disciples. They faced many oppositions while giving public testimony of baptism, but God protected them. Praise the Lord.
House Packed with Believers: Mafuza, one of our evangelists, offered her house for weekly fellowship from the day she became a believer. Now her house is packed with believers every week. It became very hard for her to give seats to them. She has already planted five churches. Praise the Lord.
Por favor oren…
- One of our former pastors, Sawpon Roy, had a motorcycle accident a month ago. He is diabetic and in the hospital. The doctor found an infection in his left leg. Please ask God for his quick healing.
- As I am starting a new discipleship group of ten, pray that God would equip them to be his witnesses.
- For those four new church members so that they can grow in faith and plant new churches.
- Many have lost their jobs and daily income. Pray that they would be able to find new ones.
Thank you so much for your faithful prayer and financial support. We value and honor your partnership for kingdom work. Your giving will not go in vain. May the Lord bless you.
Under his mercy,
A. and M. A.