Our God allowed my family to complete a facet of ministry in Mexico that lasted 12 years. During that beautiful stage we were able to witness the hand of our mighty God transforming lives, restoring marriages, on leadership being developed and initiating new ministries. All of these in a very hard soil and difficult to sow the seed of the Gospel, that has been the center of Mexico. All the glory and honor to him! We arrived back to the United States in July 2019 and since then we have experienced many changes and challenges as family, but we are sure that God is in control of our lives and has good plans for our future. From August 2019 to February 2020 we were part of the Hispanic ministry in Friends Church Yorba Linda and even though it was for a short period of time that this experience lasted, we know God had a good reason to allow us to be there and we are thankful for it. Currently, we are back residing at our home in Las Vegas (where both pairs of our parents and daughter live). I feel very fortunate to be able to continue serving the Lord through EFM now as a Mission Mobilizer for Hispanic Friends. This part time ministry has been created to help our Hispanic brothers and sisters in the U.S. and Latin America become more fully involved in carrying out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ around the world and that also allows us to continue being part of the work in Mexico.
In February, the Friends of Mexico Yearly Meeting had their annual reunion in Ciudad Juarez and we had the privilege of attending this wonderful event. For four days, pastors, leaders, and representatives of 11 churches gather together to praise the Lord by sharing their victories and challenges. This reunion seemed to have been one of the best so far with the most attendance and enthusiasm. Praise the Lord! We could see more maturity and growth of the Friends Churches in Mexico. There, we launched a new vision called “Vision Mexico 32.” It’s about challenging the churches of the Mexico Yearly Meeting to join together to create a movement initiating new Friends ministries in each one of the states of Mexico where no Friends churches exist yet and to have covered the 32 States in about ten years. This could be achieved by sending two to three units of workers a year. This ambitious challenge seemed to be accepted with much enthusiasm and excitement by everyone present. There was so much enthusiasm that from it came three couple candidates willing and ready to be cast out to a new field this year. Praise God! We can see the answer of the many years of praying, for a church planting movement in Mexico, being answered.
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Please pray for:
- More workers willing to leave their comfort zone and ready to be sent.
- For the necessary economical resources.
- For the strategic plan that is being developed to carry forward this vision.
My husband is taking a sabbatical from ministry and we are looking for God’s direction and clarity for our next stage of ministry. Since attending the Mexico Yearly Meeting, we are seeking God about how to assist them in developing and pushing forward “Vision Mexico 32.” Edwin is supporting me with the mission-mobilizing task. We continue having coaching sessions with Lupita and Jaime Leon serving in Sinaloa, as well as with the pastors in Aguascalientes, and also will be coaching the new candidates that are saying, “Here I am Lord, send me.”
Maria Giron
EFM Missions Mobilizer for Hispanic Friends