We are now starting the second visits to potential new mission fields to discern where EFM’s CAN GO Criteria are being established. These second trips will help EFM and partner yearly meetings in other countries make decisions on where to launch new mission fields. The next National EFM Luke 10 Think Tank convenes in November 2023 with plans to identify which fields EFM will be ready to make commitments towards launching by the end of 2025. Ten teams have now explored ten different country/people group destinations on a first Luke 10 Exploration Trip. See more information aquí.
Team Leader Maria Giron provides these insights into this trip to Mexico. In the first exploration trip, the team visited three States of Mexico: Jalisco, Nayarit, and Colima and explored 16 cities. On this second trip, we will return to just a few of those towns, in Jalisco and Nayarit only, that were selected for their potential to be places where new fields could be initiated. We are planning to visit Tesistan, Ameca, Mixtlan, Mascota, and Cocula in Jalisco and Compostela, Zitacua, and San Blas in Nayarit. There is a little town in Jalisco (Estanzuelas) where we are invited to carry out an evangelistic event and the group is very excited about this opportunity.
The main intention of this second trip Luke 10 trip is to continue seeking confirmation from God to know where to send the new planters of new churches from the two Yearly Meetings in Mexico and future EFM missionaries. Also, by taking new church planters and Future Missionaries as part of our team, we hope and pray that this trip is an opportunity so they would sense confirmation and peace in their hearts about their calling.
The members of this team are: Maria and Edwin Giron (EFM), Marco Martinez, (EFC-MAYM), Erik Nilsen (FSW), Ernesto Ramirez (Superintendent of Mexico YM-Central), Elizabeth Ramirez (Director of Mexico Friends Theology Institute), Pedro and Sandra Moscosa (Future Church Planters- Mexico YM Central), Wilmer Vicen (Coahuila Friends YM-North), and Tyson Contreras (Coahuila Friends YM-North).
Please pray for the team and the requests that team leaders Maria and Edwin Giron shared:
The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to cast out more workers into his fields.
To learn more about how you can join these trips or if you are interested in exploring missionary service, visit aquí.