As some of you know, I have now been in California for a whole week! It’s been a lot to discover, and I’m overjoyed to tell you about it!
This is the team that I am part of (below). Erik Nilsen, a native of Orange County, is pictured on the left. Grace Anderson of Newberg, Oregon is in the middle. I am on the right, and we’re all surrounded by redwoods that were planted in the area as part of the nature trail that we were on a few miles from where we all live.
Most of this week has been about familiarizing myself with this area and getting into a routine. This has included things like starting our weekly meetings at Alan’s house (North County Project Director) where we do a Bible study and meal. We have been given books to read and the schedule for that, as well as going over the passage each day of the week. On Friday we started our weekly meetings at Nick’s house (the other North County Project Director) where we go through the disciple-making process.
I got to attend a Sons of Norway meeting last night as Erik is a proud member, and I had a wonderful time meeting new people, experiencing new food, and having a cross-cultural dialogue with a few people from Norway!
Above is the table prayer that we all said before the meal, and I tried to speak (and miserably failed) from the Norwegian line. After that, we hopped in line to try some soups and other dishes that I never would have heard of had I not gone to the meeting.
For transportation, I use a bicycle with a battery attached called an e-bike. It can go up to 28 MPH but don’t worry, I have a nice green helmet to keep me safe. Everything here is so new and so strange to me. The houses look different, there are palm trees everywhere, and I can buy plants and garden year-round here. Did I mention that it stays around 60 degrees here? The locals ask me if I’m cold all the time because I came here without a jacket (Sorry Dad, I forgot), but I’ve shown them pictures of the blizzard that we had back home with a smile and said, “I’m perfectly warm.”
The people here are kind and generous; my hosts made sure that I took one of their extra jackets. Please know that I am doing well here where the Lord has asked me to go and that I thank God for you always.
By the Light,
You can support me through prayer and financial giving. I need and appreciate both so that I can reach 100% in both areas. I currently have 109 prayer partners and have a goal of 250. If you know anyone who would like to pray for me, please forward this form to them.
I am currently 62% fundraised for my ten-month apprenticeship. If you are a current monthly supporter, thank you. If not, it would bless me tremendously if you would sign up for a recurring gift. I am currently looking for financial supporters to support me through October 2024. Would you please prayerfully consider supporting me as I begin my apprenticeship?
There are four ways to partner with me: