Holistic Community Development Project: Testimony of Na Law |
My name is Na Law and I’m 40 years old. I am a member of Ca Saw Pa Church. My husband and I received Jesus Christ eight years ago. My husband and I have had the opportunity to participate in the Discipling for Development (D4D) program from the beginning until now. I come to every activity that the D4D team comes up to organize for us regularly unless something necessary comes up. My husband and I have three children. I would like to thank God for helping me grow in knowing him through the D4D team.
D4D’s activities that are organized for us are very useful. I learned new things that I had never learned before in my life. The lessons the D4D team has taught us have stimulated my mind to have a different perspective on how to properly understand the Gospel. Two months ago, I had the opportunity to learn a lesson about family that D4D had prepared for us. These lessons have helped me understand God’s purpose for marriage, that God wants husbands and wives to reflect the relationship between Christ and the church. When I understood this, it made me able to accept my husband’s weaknesses and be able to honor him as the Bible has taught me. This lesson has also helped me love my family more and know how to please God in the role God has given me as a wife. I would like to ask you all to pray for me that I will be able to be a good wife by honoring my husband more and being a good wife in the way God wants me to be.
Thanks for your prayers and your support.
Charlee Kunakorn
Executive Director, The Way Foundation
EFM Thailand’s fundraising status is currently at 79% based on the commitments for monthly/yearly recurring giving that are needed for this ministry to be fully funded. Would you consider partnering with EFM Thailand? You can: