Thank you for praying for Jinky Twaddell while she recently fought COVID-19 and was hospitalized in the Philippines, where Roy and Jinky are serving. We at EFM are praising the Lord that Jinky improved and was released from the hospital. Her oxygen levels have not yet returned to normal. She is doing physical therapy to gain strength and lung capacity and she is using a little bit of oxygen when she sleeps from an oxygen concentrator. Also, our condolences go to Roy and Jinky and family, as Jinky’s mother passed away with COVID-19. Please pray for Roy and Jinky during these challenging days for them!
The total out of pocket cost to the Twaddells for her hospitalization was over $35,000. EFM would like to invite you to make a donation to help cover these costs.
Thank you for your prayers,
EFM Office
If you would like to donate to help cover the Twaddell’s medical needs, you can do so one of three ways: