You may be aware already that the situation in Haiti is quite serious. According to one recent news article, about two-thirds of the children are in need of humanitarian assistance. Gang violence continues to disrupt daily life causing death and destruction. The government is in disarray and it’s hard to know when and how the kind of leadership Haiti needs will be in place.
You may have also heard by now that three missionaries who serve in Haiti (not with EFM) were murdered by gang members in what was thought to be a relatively safe place in the capitol city of Port-au-Prince. Please pray for their families and the people in Haiti with whom they were working.
Our own missionaries to Haiti, William and Marie Bertrand, have been living in Florida with family members. They originally went there for health reasons. Now they are not able to return because of the turmoil in their country. Nevertheless, they keep in constant touch with the leaders of the twelve Friends churches that exist in this country, all located north of Port-au-Prince.
We have been praying for Haiti in the following ways (and invite you to join us in these prayers):
- That the light of Christ would overcome the darkness in Haiti. There are many, many followers of Jesus in this country. May his light shine brightly through them.
- That law and order would be restored to Haiti as soon as possible. Surely there are people in this country that God wants to use for such a time as this.
- That the pastors of the churches in Haiti would have the strength and resources to shepherd their sheep through this dark valley.
In addition to prayer, we are raising funds for the Friends churches to purchase and distribute rice to their congregations and communities. We also want to help the pastors and their families as they do the best they can to care for church members and neighbors. If you feel led to support this effort, there are three ways to donate:
- Online. Donate online aquí. Please make sure to note that your gift is designated for “Haiti Relief”.
- Credit Card. This may be given online (as stated above) or by calling the EFM office (303-421-8100) to give your information to a live person.
- Check. Mail a check to EFM, P.O. Box 771139, Wichita, KS 67277. Make sure to mark your check “Haiti Relief”. Pay to the order of “EFM.”
Thank you for your attention to this message.
Your fellow servant in Christ,
Dan Cammack
Field Director