Al comenzar mi tercer año de ministerio como Movilizador de Misiones y mi 16º año sirviendo a nuestro Señor Jesús con Evangelical Friends Mission, estoy emocionada y muy dispuesta a dejar que Dios me use en su reino para animar, reclutar, entrenar, equipar y enviar a muchos más. Una de las tareas …
Archivos para abril 2023
Maria Giron April 2023 Ministry Update
As I enter my third year of ministry as a Missions Mobilizer, and my sixteenth year serving our Lord Jesus with Evangelical Friends Mission, I am excited and very willing to let God use me in his kingdom to encourage, recruit, train, equip, and send many more. One of the tasks that is exciting …
Molly Morton’s April 2023 Update
A month ago, I boarded a flight bound for California. It was the first time I had returned to California since arriving in Ireland in November of 2021. I was VERY excited to see my family, to watch my niece play soccer for the first time and to watch my nephew play baseball as I have for his entire …