Gospel Preached, Demons Cast Out, Souls Saved
Queridos amigos,
Thank you so much for your prayers and your support. We truly appreciate it with all of our hearts.
In one of our areas, our pastors had been going to a brand-new village and preaching the gospel for months. Now they thought it was time for them to give a chance for the Hindus to accept Christ.
After they preached the gospel again, they started praying. While they were praying the Spirit of the living God started descending among the people and everyone could feel his presence. The fire of God descended. This caused the two women who were possessed with demons to manifest and cry out loud.
When the villagers heard this, huge crowds of Hindus from the village started piling to hear what was happening. Our pastors started casting out the demons from the two women. The demons convulsed the two women; they were cast out, and the women fell to the floor as you can see in the picture at the bottom right.
Then our pastors gave the invitation for people to accept Christ. Five Hindus who had been hearing the gospel for months gave their lives and accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. A new church plant has started in that village.
Then an amazing thing happened. One after another the Hindus who saw the power of God started inviting our pastors to come to their homes and pray for the sick. They went from house to house proclaiming the gospel and praying for the sick. They said it was just amazing what the Lord’s power was doing.
Please be praying for our evangelistic meeting during the Hindus’ biggest festival October 15-16. Pray that the Lord will grant us a big harvest of souls.
B. and D. A.
Praise God..
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