We are so happy to report on our deputation activities.
We started on March 1 and traveled by car. As of March 31, we have covered approximately 2700 miles in the Ford Fusion we are borrowing from EFM and been to Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. In Idaho we visited the following churches: Post Falls (North Idaho), Woodland Friends (in Kamaiah), Homedale Friends, Greenleaf Friends, the Hispanic Friends Group at Greenleaf Friends, Caldwell Friends, Melba Friends, Meridian Friends, Star Community Church, Whitney Friends, and Boise Friends. In Oregon we visited Newberg Friends, Metolius Friends, and Bend Friends. We also visited Vancouver Friends in Washington.
We also had several visits with individuals on our support list and new contacts wanting to know about our CHE ministry in Nepal. Overall, we were very encouraged by the discussions and renewal of commitments that took place in several churches and during the mid-week meetings. We were able to show a PowerPoint presentation with pictures to update on our work in Nepal and we also distributed our latest prayer card. We also got to share a beautifully designed weekly prayer plan for our ministry with all our friends and churches, this prayer guide introduces our CHE Trainers, their activities, and families.
Please pray for our visits in April to the following places and the church communities who have asked us to visit them to update them on the progress we are making especially with regards to the Community Learning Centers and the Small Business Development work in our communities. Here is our schedule for the next month:
• April 7 – Glendora Friends Church
• April 14 – Friends Community Church Brea
• April 21 – Rose Drive Friends Church
• April 25-27 – Attending Prateek’s graduation ceremony at George Fox University in Newberg
• April 28 – West Chehalem Friends
• April 29 – Traveling to Indiana to visit Wabash Friends Church and small groups until May 6
It has been a joy for us to share with churches and individuals in the last month of March and we request your prayers as we continue our travels and meetings in April.
Samson & Priscilla
We currently have 937 prayer partners and have a goal of raising it to 1,200. If you know anyone who would like to pray for our ministry, please forward this form to them.
We are currently at 88% of our ongoing monthly need. If you are a current monthly supporter, thank you. It is important to let EFM know that you plan to continue or increase your giving. If you are not currently giving, please pra yerfully consider supporting our ministry in Nepal. There are four ways to partner with us financially: