Beloved Friends Family,
I am very excited to present my first newsletter to you under this new ministry as Mission Mobilizer. Beforehand, thank you for the valuable time that you are going to spend reading what God now allows me to share with you.
We are so thankful that God allowed my family to complete a facet of ministry in Mexico that lasted 12 years. During that beautiful stage we were able to witness the hand of our mighty God transforming lives, restoring marriages, on leadership being developed and initiating new ministries. All of these in a very hard soil and difficult to sow the seed of the Gospel, that has been the center of Mexico. All the glory and honor to him! I feel very fortunate to be able to continue serving the Lord through EFM now as a Mission Mobilizer for Hispanic Friends. This part time ministry has been created to help our Hispanic brothers and sisters in the U.S. and Latin America become more fully involved in carrying out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ around the world and that also allows us to continue being part of the work in Mexico as I start creating a contact network of pastors and leaders from the Hispanic Friends Community.
Updates About My Family
- My husband is taking a sabbatical time from ministry and we are seeking in prayer God’s direction and clarity for our next stage of a long-term ministry together (the closure due to the pandemic served to keep him still these couple of moths). Edwin will be supporting me with the missionary mobilization task in some areas and currently, together, we are providing coaching sessions to four families who are planting churches or starting new ministries, including the pastors of Aguascalientes. We will also be training and guiding new candidates who will say, “Here I am, Lord, send me.”
- Our son, Edwin Isaac, turns 17 this June. He just got his driver’s license and in the fall he will be attending his senior year in High School and will begin arranging for college! (How incredible it is for me, as a mother, to realize how much my son has grown). Edwin Isaac has a strong desire to serve the Lord by engaging with youth and being the leader of worship.
- Our daughter, Faviola, is now 26, still single and works as a Legal Assistant in at a Attorney’s office in Las Vegas. We thank God for seeing how she performs and she is so good in what she does and how God blesses her.
About Mexico Yearly Meeting and Project “Vision Mexico 32”
In February, the Friends of Mexico Yearly Meeting had their annual reunion in Ciudad Juarez and we had the privilege of attending this wonderful event. For four days, pastors, leaders, and representatives of 11 churches gather together to praise the Lord by sharing their victories and challenges. There, a new vision was launched called “Vision Mexico 32 or VM32.” It’s about challenging the churches of the Mexico Yearly Meeting to join together to create a movement initiating new Friends ministries and to proclaim more of JESUS in each one of the states of Mexico where no Friends churches exist yet and to have covered the 32 States in about ten years. This could be achieved by sending two to three units of workers a year. There was so much enthusiasm that from it came three couple candidates willing and ready to be cast out to a new field this year. Praise God! We can see the answer of the many years of praying, for a church planting movement in Mexico, being answered.
For five years our family visited a small town (population is about 3,000) in the State of Zacatecas, preaching the Gospel to families and doing evangelism events. During all this time of chipping stone in this difficult land, we were only able to see two people converted to Christ. These two people were discipled and one of them received a scholarship to attend the Friends Bible Institute. These two disciples returned to their people and they are now the ones teaching and the Preach the Word of God to their relatives and neighbors. We recently received a report that 12 more people recognized and received Jesus Christ as their only personal Savior. Praise the Lord! We are marveled to know that there is more harvest after all the years that the seed of the Gospel has been sown in that end part of the world.
The Friends Church in Aguascalientes continues evangelizing and making new disciples of Christ. The extension of the Biblical Institute has been a great tool to train leaders and launch them to serve. For example, Jaime and Lupita León left the Aguascalientes church and are now serving as pastors in Sinaloa. Carla is another student who is evangelizing her people and people are converting to Christ through home Bible studies. The current pastors in Aguascalientes are Israel and Daira De La Torre. Israel is currently a bi-vocational person, working at a hospital and serving the Lord at the same time! Taking advantage of the social isolation brought by COVID 19, Israel has taken the opportunity to transmit live Biblical messages on social networks, thus having a broader reach to other people. Praise the Lord!
In Siete Ejidos, Jaime and Lupita León are carrying out an excellent job as pastors of the Iglesia Amigos. The congregation has grown in number, the congregants are maturing in faith and commitment, and the entire town recognizes Jaime and Lupita as a couple of pastors of good testimony to whom they can go to ask for prayer or for advice. Praise the Lord!. The Leon have witnessed transformed lives, such as the case of a man who was involved in drug cartels, and who is now free in Christ. This man is now a faithful congregant to the church along with his wife and children, and they are being discipled by Jaime and Lupita.
We are very grateful for the valuable resource that it is the Bible Friends Institute, which counts with a Campus in Mexico City, its extension in Aguascalientes, and virtual platforms where there are currently students from Sinaloa, Mexicali and Tijuana taking classes. These students are being trained to serve as pastors, teachers, or leaders. Toño and Lety, is a couple that are currently taking training to go out and plant a new church. They are praying and exploring options and seeking clarity on where God is going to send them. They want to be out in the field in a year as part of Vision Mexico 32 project.
- Please pray for more workers willing to leave their comfort zone and ready to be dispatched.
- For the necessary financial resources for Vision Mexico 32 project.
- For to the strategic plan that is being developed to carry out VM32.
- So that more Hispanic Evangelical Friends are moved to the need that still there is to reach out to the lost in the rest of the world and to join efforts with EFM.
Very Important Personal Note
Please, I invite you to consider in prayer to continue partnering with me in this new and important journey as Missions Mobilizer. I would especially treasure your prayers. If you are willing to continue on with me and with my new ministry in prayer, please subscribe to my prayer partner list to receive news and updates. Second, if you are willing to partner with me by giving financial support to my ministry, you can transfer your previous giving to Giron’s support to Maria’s support for this new ministry or start now. We also hope to see funding continue for the important leadership development work in Aguascalientes and Mexico Yearly Meeting. You may choose to financially support that ministry.
Special thanks to all who are already part of this missionary mobilization team through your prayers and financial support. I pray for each of you asking the Lord rewards your efforts.