Voicu and Ana Marian serve as missionaries in Romania. Ana recently sent us a story in response to our request for more stories about God’s faithfulness during the pandemic. She said she would rather call it a story of God’s glory rather than a “pandemic story.” Therefore Ana has given it the title, “Y2K to YPV.” We encourage you to read the story and find out what that title means.
Most people recall Y2K from the year 2000, but few would guess that the latter is a nick name for 2020: “Year of Perfect Vision.” When these acronyms came up during English lesson, I needed to introduce my 16 year-old students to relatively recent history.
It was a leisurely summer afternoon, so our lesson extended to chatting about life and one particularly meaningful story for me, my testimony. In 1999, God called us out of the US to tell others about him – at a time when many feared Y2K and “the end of civilization as we know it.”
The age gap of nearly half a century between teacher and students dissipated as the story of Christ’s redemptive love was being poured out with passion and taken in with joy. Adina and Ioana had heard parts of it before, but this time they were more engaged, finally realizing that their lives had been woven into the eternal story by The Great Author.
When they left the sun was setting, its majesty reflecting the glory of Christ who spoke it into existence. It didn’t matter what year it was anymore; we felt safe to embrace under God’s timeless care.
Voicu and I stayed home this year but stayed active. We know that it’s only by God’s grace that we kept our eyes on Jesus and his kingdom, not collapsing under worry and fear. We followed safety regulations as much as possible, while still keeping our home open. It wasn’t easy, and not without “adventures,” as we came into contact first-hand with a COVID-19 case along the way. We are thankful for God’s protection every single day.
As for YPV… with ageing we’re getting farther from 20/20 eyesight, yet closer to God’s perspective. Still, we’re far from “perfect vision.” We pray that our trust will remain in God’s Word: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)
If you would like to receive on a regular basis prayer requests and praises for how God is working I encourage you to sign up for EFM’s monthly prayer letter. You can do that by clicking on the button below.
Also, EFM is still receiving donations to our emergency fund for COVID-19 related relief efforts. If you would like to contribute at this time you can do so by clicking here or using the button below.
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