Queridos amigos,
Psalm 89:1 says, “I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever: with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations”. Yes, we want to declare the mercies of the Lord in our lives and ministry. We are so thankful to the Lord that he brought us to the USA for our deputation ministry. We have experienced many blessings from the Lord through his people, teachings, guidance, instructions, and new direction from the Lord for the ministry. We have also received many encouragements, good care, strong prayer support, good fellowship, delicious food, family fellowship, home care, special treats, and many more from God’s people. May the Lord bless each one of them.
We are safe back in our country Bangladesh as of February 3, 2024. E. and I are doing fine. M. is still having severe pain in her body mainly on the right side of her leg and back. I think it is the reaction to the high dose of antibiotic that the eye doctor prescribed for her before laser surgery. The doctor told her that it might take two to three months to return to normal.
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After taking the medicine, it caused her body to swell, and it has taken a while for the swelling to come down. This causes her some pain. She couldn’t cook for a month and a half so we all ate at M.’s mother’s house. She still can’t move easily and cook properly. I also have severe pain in my right leg. Doctors gave injections twice in America, but nothing worked. Pray that we can have good health to do ministry.
We wished much that we could come back from America and thank and praise God together with everyone on our team. God gave us that opportunity and we are thankful for that. We were all able to meet at a training center in Jessore for this fellowship gathering from February 29 to March 2. We had a very successful time.
We are also thankful to Mrs. Claudia Gehele from California for donating four Wi-Fi boxes to show the Jesus Film. This Wi-Fi box is mainly for restricted public places to share the gospel through the Jesus Film and other bible related videos in the Bengali language. We have distributed those to our team for an experiment. Pray that our team members would be very creative, courageous, and prudent to use those wifi boxes properly and that many non-believers will come to know Jesus through the Jesus Film ministry.
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March 15 was a historical day in the life of the Evangelical Friends Church in Bangladesh in the southern part. All our churches together in this region organized a revival meeting at Kannada Evangelical Friends Church. We’re relaxed and delighted to see that the local church team is organizing this revival meeting. Our prayer coordinator, pastor Ajit Biswas, was the main motivator. He teamed up with local pastors, lay pastors, lay leaders, and young people from the host church. More than 100 people along with twenty children attended this one-day revival meeting. M. and I spoke in two sessions. I spoke about the role of a member of the church and M. on the topic ‘There is no alternative than to pray’. It was awesome. In the afternoon pastor Ajit Biswas spoke about prayer and encouraged church members to come forward to help the church. Rekha was the MC for the whole day. She did very well. She organized the worship team, and they sang some of the worship songs.
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We dedicated our time in the afternoon to praying for the sick people. So, we arranged sitting differently. For those who need prayer, we asked them to come forward and the rest will go behind the row to join in praying as we are going to pray for the sick people specifically. We anointed the sick people with oil as instructed in the book of James. We asked the Lord to touch and heal these sick people so that they can see the power of our Lord and testify to others. It was an awesome time. When we started prayer, we saw instant healing. People started to see vision, signs, and wonders, some screamed, drifting with joy. I saw a vision that the gate of heaven was opened, and our mighty God sat on the throne and was looking to us. It seemed to me that he was telling us, “Go ahead, I am with you always, don’t worry”. One after another started to fall to the ground. Some of them instantly healed. One young girl saw a very bright man touch her and told her ‘Don’t worry, I have been taking your burden’. She was carrying a great burden for many years. After prayer, she testified that she felt that all her heavy loads had gone, and she now has a great peace of mind and is so happy. Many people came to be healed including children. We touched everyone and prayed for the healing in the name of Jesus. We experienced a very vivid presence of the Lord this afternoon. One lady came wearing an amulet. When one of our team members named Francis started to pray for her, he was attacked by the evil spirit, and his right hand was twisted. He told the woman to throw away the amulet and come for healing. Later she came forward and she was completely healed. Praise the Lord. Each one of us experiences the work of the Holy Spirit strongly. Most of the people saw the power of God and started to glorify God.
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The meeting ended with thanksgiving and commitment. They want to do this kind of revival meeting for at least two days next year too with their own money. It was so amazing that all expenses were covered by our people, even a single coin was not given from outside. Our people contributed and organized this revival meeting. Praise the Lord.
The Lord is speaking to us over and over emphasizing church planting this year. Please pray as we are leaving to visit churches in the north for a week. Pray for our good health and strength to serve the people. There is a shortage of local leaders in some churches. Pray that God will provide suitable local leaders for the churches there. This year we want to be more dedicated to the Lord and work for the Lord. So, we need good health and workers. Pray that God will extend his hand of mercy upon us to provide many workers for his field.
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We are so thankful to all our partners who are faithfully praying and giving for the furtherance of the kingdom of the Lord. Without your help, we cannot continue our ministry in Bangladesh. Your prayers, financial support, and spiritual support in the ministry of Bangladesh are highly valued and helpful. We are grateful to you. May God bless you all.
A. and M. A.
Serving together in Bangladesh