The following are stories and updates shared by the Luke 10 Team during their time in Eastern Europe!
Trip Update #1: June 18
Here is our whole team after we joined Tony in Tolna, Hungary.
This is a picture when we met with the Friends Church Wednesday night Bible study group in Tolna.
This is a picture of Budapest at night where Tony, Stan, and Vivian prayed over the city while waiting for Jonelle and Fred’s plane to arrive.
The team is with Joseph in Kolked at the Gypsy Mission Center.
This is a picture of Zombor, Serbia where we had a prayer walk.
This is the convent where a couple of us had a conversation with a nun about the needs their church saw in Osijek, Croatia.
This is the boat we ate lunch at in Osijek, Croatia. While we waited for our food, a local woman offered us two peaches from her garden for the baby. We felt like this was part of a pattern of “man of peace” encounters in this city.
Trip Update #2: June 23
We went to Vucovar, Croatia on Sunday and had a church service with some members of the Friends Church from Tolna, Hungary. We went to the park and Stan shared a message while some of the church people translated. We had a family join us in Vucovar that we had met during our prayer walk the day before which was encouraging! On Monday, we went to see the Hero Square with monuments to former kings and prime ministers of Hungary and spent time eating, talking, and worshipping together at Tony’s daughter Betti’s house.
A picture with Joseph and Mary and our translator, Sabrina. Joseph and Mary made our meal for our service in the park in Vucovar as well as many other meals and times of coffee during our trip!
A meal in the park in Vucovar, Croatia
Joseph sharing his coffee with Stan… coffee is one of the main food groups we had on this trip! 🙂
The group met in the park.
Stan shared a message with us about how deeply God loves us.
The group when we went to visit Hero Square in Budapest, Hungary our last day.
We had a time of eating together, talking, and singing songs of worship to the Lord with Tony’s daughter Betti.
Thank you for praying!