This Story of Transformation comes from Tony and Agi Frei, who serve in Hungary. Their friend (and spiritual daughter), Kinga, has responded to a request for our women missionaries to participate in the Mid America Friends Women’s Prayer Breakfast that happened on July 25. My name is Kinga …
¿Qué está haciendo Dios en Hungría durante la pandemia?
Hemos estado recibiendo algunas historias de nuestros misioneros y líderes nacionales sobre lo que Dios está haciendo en medio de la pandemia. Estamos compartiendo estas historias con ustedes esperando que sean de animo y también recordarles el seguir levantando en oración a nuestros hermanos y …
What is God doing in Hungary during the pandemic?
We have been receiving some stories from our missionaries and national leaders about what God is doing in the midst of the pandemic. We are sharing these stories with you so that you can be encouraged and also remember to keep lifting up our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world in …