A. y M. A. | Sirviendo en Bangladesh El libro de Dallas Willard "La Divina Conspiración" es profundo por su trabajo sobre la verdad divina. Me motiva que mi prioridad número uno sea pasar tiempo con el Señor. Me pregunté ¿quién soy yo? ¿Qué tipo de vida estoy viviendo? ¿Está Dios …
Archivos para septiembre 2023
Pray for the Second Luke 10 Exploration Trip to Tanzania!
We are now sending the second wave of exploration trips to potential new mission fields to discern where EFM and partner regions/yearly meetings will make decisions for launching new fields, based on EFM’s CAN GO Criteria. The next National EFM Luke 10 Think Tank convenes in November 2023 with plans …
A. and M. A. Are Coming on Deputation!
A. and M., as well as one of their sons, will begin their deputation journey next month through January 2024. Their primary purpose is: To express their deep gratitude to those who are partnering with them in prayer and financial support. To provide updates about their ministry in …