“That was awesome ladies! Thanks so much for a wonderful afternoon…”
“Thank you all for this afternoon, the girls loved it. They were asking if they could come back next week!”
“Thanks so much. I really enjoyed that meeting with you all… for me it was a lovely time to worship with my kids… to be together at their level. Looking forward to the next one!”
“It was fab! We don’t get to too many services in the year, but was wanting to talk about and sing about God with my kids but not in the way I was brought up…”
These are a few of the comments that were posted in our “group” following our first “Interactive Family Worship Service”. We have called it an “experiment”, and it is one that these families are committed to. We spent another hour on Thursday talking about what worked and what didn’t work, what they loved about sitting on the floor with their children listening to a story, hearing their questions and taking time to respond, creating a craft (or putting together a pie) as a family, and dancing and moving with the music. And most importantly we talked about “next time.” Next time is already on the calendar, and these women have already begun to invite others to join us.
As always, I am so thankful for the life that God has given me in Ireland. I feel privileged to be allowed to enter into the lives of the people around me – through baby and toddler groups, Bible Study, Godly Play, and this “experiment” of worship that invites the whole family to participate fully. And I am thankful for you who faithfully pray for me, and these people that I love.
Alabado sea el Señor
- For this new way to worship together, and the commitment to continue our “experiment”.
- For the privilege of learning and growing deeper in faith alongside these families.
Por favor oren…
- For our interactive service, that it will become a regular part of our practice together.
- For a deeper understanding of grace and love for each of us.
- For my family as we navigate this time of grief following the death of my sister.