We experienced a banner year at EFM. If we were to raise a banner it would read, “God’s Relentless Love in 2023”. Because of your generosity added to God at work among us, we experienced these blessings!
- B. and D. A. retiring from EFM employment and leaving behind a fully self-sustaining and self-multiplying field in Nepal.
- We chose six new fields to send 12 new missionary households to as a part of the Luke 10 Five-Year Goal.
- Several other fields are still under deep consideration.
- Trained and certified new coaches so that all our missionaries have a ministry coach.
- Welcomed Friends Church Southwest to the EFM family. With this, missionaries in Cambodia and workers in Indonesia are also part of this family.
- Celebrated the first ever missions-sending learning conference in Central Africa, learning together with our sister regions Burundi and Rwanda how we might work together sending missionaries to other countries and peoples.
- On a fun note – through the 2023 Christmas Catalog, God’s people have already provided: 1,139 chickens, 81 buffalo, 197 goats, 252 blankets, 235 mosquito nets, 150 primary student school kits, 61 love gifts, 37 sewing machines, 34 tube wells, 41 medicine packages, and 41 medical kits!
- We raised funds for three special projects in Cambodia, Africa, and Nepal.
- Celebrated the 60th Anniversary in PDX honoring our past and raising $195,000 for pre-launch training of the 12 future missionary households we are going to send out.
As we enter the new year, we are looking to follow God into our next season:
- Approve our first wave of Luke 10 missionary households.
- Together with each of our North American regions, meet crucial pre-launch benchmarks in order to launch into new fields by New Year’s Eve 2025.
Expand our capacity to care for present missionaries through the use of Missionary Care Teams. - Collaborate with Latin American sister regions for another missions-sending learning conference.
- Build EFM’s base of participants in prayer, giving, going, and supporting.
- Continue to develop and raise up future missionaries through retreats, internships, apprentices, cohorts, and fieldwork.
![]() In this report you will see stories of God’s faithfulness, his people’s generosity, the team of missionaries he has raised up, and the vision he has given EFM. We hope you will be encouraged and inspired by the stories and perspectives found in these pages. One of our goals is that this would be a tool this year to share EFM with your friends, family, and church leaders. We hope that as you do, they will be inspired to partner and get involved in the work God is doing! You can download your copy aquí! |
As we step into this year, again, we are grateful for your support. Please prayerfully ask the Lord how you might continue to walk with him to make sure that every woman, man, boy, and girl experiences God’s relentless love.
Por Cristo,
Stanley David Leach
Executive Director