We arrived in California from Iowa on 5th December and stayed at the Rowntree Garden Guest House. We had a good time with Stan for the whole afternoon on the 6th. The evening fellowship was memorable. We, a group of international multilingual people met for a dinner fellowship at Stan Leach’s house. We sang the “This is the Day” song in 6 different languages: English, Bengali, Indonesian, Cambodian, Spanish, and French language. We had an opportunity to share what and how the Lord is doing ministry in Bangladesh. We all had the opportunity to share the Christmas tradition of our culture. It was awesome.
We are happy to meet Pastor Larry and Pastor Carlos at the Canyon Hills Church. Thanks for their love and prayer. We pray that the church will partner with us. We are also thankful to Mrs. Claudia Gehele at Canyon Hill Friends Church. We talked about the ongoing Jesus Film ministry in Bangladesh and showed some of JF showing pictures. She is very much excited to reach non-Christians in our country through the Jesus film. Pray that the Lord fulfills her desire. We convey our gratitude to our beloved pastor Bruce Butler for his great heart to win the lost and partner with us. We are grateful to Mr. Sung Kim and Teddy Omondi for their gracious love and for sacrificing their valuable time with us at Panini Kabob Grill house for lunch. Thanks for their encouragement and prayers.
We had a very fruitful and blessed day with the Riverview Church people in Bonsal, California. Thanks for their faithful prayer and giving for the last 23 years. We were honored by the mission board members through a Christmas dinner at Scenic Ranch. We express our gratefulness to Floyd who coordinated with board members. We also are thankful to pastor Mel, Don, and Carlos for their great contribution. We had the opportunity to share our ministry with the Adult Bible Group on Sunday morning and were introduced at both church services at 9:15 and 11 am. Edwin had the opportunity to share his experience with the youth group. It was encouraging to him and the group. Thank Melvyn and Sue Michaelian for inviting us to their house for a lunch fellowship with us. Thank you, Damian Helling, for calling us even though you were not able to meet with us at the church. Gregg, we are sorry that we met but could not talk. We are very thankful to Rob and Betty Keenan for taking us to the Bob Burton Theater on the Fallbrook High School campus to enjoy the Nutcracker ballet performance. The whole family and relatives were with us. We are very thankful to Randy and Rose Howard for hosting us in their house with much love and care. May the Lord bless them and be glorified through their lives. We ask mercy to Elise Paty for bringing us out and bringing us into the airport on time. May the Lord bless her new married life.
There I saw a handwritten statement on a whiteboard in a ranch: “Fear is a reaction; courage is a decision.” Our prayer to God is that he gives us the courage to face fear in all situations in our lives.
Thank you very much for your faithful prayer and generosity. May the Lord bless you.
A. and M. A.
Serving together in Bangladesh
Below is our general schedule. If you would like to schedule an opportunity to see us while we are in your area, you can fill out this form or contact us at ama@friendsmission.com. You can also call our US cell phones at 316-304-8373 (Albert) or 316-308-2473 (Metali).
December 12-18 Colorado (Denver and Colorado Springs)
You can support us through prayer and financial giving. We need and appreciate both so that we can reach 100% in both areas before heading back to Bangladesh. We currently have 762 prayer partners and have a goal of raising it to 800. If you know anyone who would like to pray for our ministry, please forward this form to them.
We are now fully funded in recurring ministry support needs if previous recurring financial partners continue! If you are a current monthly supporter, thank you. It is important to let EFM know that you plan to continue or increase your giving. We also have a need of $5,000 to help with one-time travel costs and upgrades to our devices for deputation.
If you are not currently giving, would you please prayerfully consider supporting our ministry in Bangladesh? There are four ways to partner with us:
- Online. Visit https://catalog.friendsmission.com/ama. You’ll be given the opportunity to indicate whether you are making a recurring or one-time gift.
- Credit Card. This may be given online (as stated above) or by calling the EFM office (303-421-8100) to give your information to a live person.
- Automatic Bank Transfer. Download the form aquí and email it to Debby McElroy (EFM Bookkeeper) at debby@friendsmission.com. Please note that ACH payments are processed on the 10th or 25th of the month.
- Check. Mail a check to EFM, P.O. Box 771139, Wichita, KS 67277. Make sure to mark your check “A. and M. A. Support” and note if you will be giving on a recurring basis (monthly, quarterly, etc.). Pay to the order of “EFM.”