As the year 2019 draws to a close and as we ponder on all the activities carried out by our CHE Trainers, we praise and thank God for the way in which all our activities brought out amazing results. This year women came to the forefront in fulfilling the Great Commission through their small but significant ways in almost all our areas of work. The Adult Non Formal Education program helped us ‘discover’ women greats like Jamuna and Mina who worked alongside Smriti in this great responsibility. Together they helped so many women, and some men as well, discover hidden talents and the wonderful ways in which God has led them this year to lead churches as pastors and empower women in rural communities of Salyan district to become more effective through the simple reading from the Bible and the strength they draw from this simple act. And Proverbs 31:10-31 now becomes meaningful.
On the other side, in Cha’pur we had Asha and the women prayer warriors getting involved through a simple Sewing Training Program to help reach out to non-believers with the living Word of God and leading families to faith in Christ. Some like Ramita from Mahida in the picture also experienced the saving Grace of Jesus, and gave their lives over to Christ, and became useful in their simple way by working for the needs of society, which brought opportunities to share the Gospel with unbelievers.
The Small Business Development (SBD) Training held in March 2019 at Surkhet with the help of Trainers from Wabash Friends Church has helped people like Tulsa and her husband who is a pastor in Surkhet to come to understand that it is good for leaders to have a tent-making ministry. They started a ready-made garment shop with a small seed grant from CHE and soon this helped their churches in being self-supported and sustainable.
On the home front, PRISCILLA (Ritu) has also shown determination and leadership qualities in
leading and guiding these women to rise to the occasion and be considered equal in families and communities. Even with the pressure of all these responsibilities and working in a Nursing College, Priscilla was awarded a PhD by Walden University (USA)
We Praise God for all our activities which have brought Him Glory in small and subtle ways.
Por favor oren…
- For our CHE Trainers and their families as they serve God through various ways in different places and lead many more to Christ.
- For the work in Jugauliya among the Musahar people.
- The Eden CHE Committee in Cha’pur have taken the initiative of starting a Community Learning Centre in an attempt to become united and working among the poor and marginalized using CHE. They are led by Suleman and Pastor Ramesh.
We wish you, all of our friends and well-wishers, as well as our faithful supporters, a very happy and blessed time at Christmas this year, and a year full of his promises in 2020.
Samson, Priscilla, and Prateek